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Next event: 7 July 2024

16:30 - 18:30 at the Frankfurt Art Bar

Ziegelhüttenweg 221

60598 Frankfurt am Main


Please note there is no entrance from Königsbrunnenweg

Sounds great! Tell me more!

How do I book?

Call the bar on 069 63307938 to reserve a seat (they speak English and German). Say you are coming for the life drawing. If you can no longer make it, please remember to cancel!


Can I turn up without a reservation?

Probablyyyyy...? The bar guarantees us 20 seats, anything else available on the day is allocated on a first come first served basis. At previous events everyone has managed to find a seat, but of course there is always a risk that we'll run out of space, even though the venue is quite big.


How much does it cost?

There's no entry fee but we collect donations during the event. These go towards the models, the organisers, materials & equipment, and future sessions. We also ask that participants please order something from the bar out of respect for our kind hosts.


The venue only accepts cash, and we ask for donations in cash, so please don't forget your bargeld!


What happens in the session?

The model will be in underwear and will pose on the stage. Participants draw from the seating area. We recommend bringing your own materials, but basic drawing supplies are also available.

Poses can vary between 1 minute and 20 minutes in length. There will be a 15 min break halfway through the session.


This is an untutored session so you are free to draw and be as creative as you like, but don't hesitate to ask one of us if you want help or feedback!


Who are you?

We are Tabi & Sofie, two students at the Academy of Fine Art, an art school in Bad Homburg with a focus on realistic drawing and painting. We came to love the practice of life drawing, as an activity to do with friends and as a way to improve as artists, and now we want to share the joy that it can bring with others :)


Where can I find other arty events in Frankfurt?

Join the Frankfurt Sketching & Art group on! It's an active community of people who love to draw, and meetups are regularly held at cafes, museums, or outdoors (when the weather is decent).

Follow us at @life_drawing_frankfurt on Instagram

Get in touch

Have a question about the event? Got an idea or suggestion for us? Fill out the form, we'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for submitting!

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